Medicine Weavings - Women's Ayahuasca Retreats & rituals of spirit
Medicine Weavings - Women's Ayahuasca Retreats & rituals of spirit
Medicine Weavings - Women's Ayahuasca Retreats & rituals of spirit - Our Vision
Medicine Weavings - Women's Ayahuasca Retreats & rituals of spirit - Ayni & Reciprocity


We offer Integrative, authentic healing work alongside indigenous healers and wisdom keepers with the Plant Doctor Ayahuasca and traditional grandmother Shipibo healers. With a strong focus on women’s healing,  our vision is to create sacred spaces for individuals to come and dive deep into their personal healing journeys. Believing deeply and trusting the ancestral teachings that understand that one individual healing, impacts the 7 generations that came before us, and the 7 generations that come after us.

Our vision is also to inspire, activate, and awaken through this deep and powerful work, and for individuals to remember we are the weavers of medicine in our own lives, families, work, and communities. Honoring the rising spirit of the divine feminine light that is emerging in these times, our retreats have become an incredible journey and pilgrimage for an international community from all walks of life, creating a global web of connection rooted in a foundation of ceremonial work.

Over the years we have found that integration has become one of the largest challenges, with so much coming to the surface often very quickly, the safety and support of participants is extremely important to us, during as well as after. Just recently we have created a post retreat integration program that continues to check in with participants post Ayahuasca Retreat as participants continue to integrate their experiences.

We have created a network of psychotherapists, coaches, and healers who have a deep understanding of what it means to work with Ayahuasca. We are not a big large center, and because of this we offer quality extra care to everyone who attends. Please just be in touch if you have any questions at all, we are more than happy to help and support you in preparing for your trip.

We have witnessed first hand over and over how powerful it is when women gather with intention and in a sacred and safe space. Through the years of working with women in ceremony, women always say the same thing. That they were able to reach new levels of surrender and trust and transformation in sitting in women only circles that they would not have been able to do otherwise.

There is something truly beautiful that occurs when women gather that is almost wordless, a magic if you will into the heart of the feminine.  For many women coming together with other sisters allows for new visions of friendship, support and connection can mean in the context of being a woman.

A powerful force emerges in the circle of sisterhood, and we believe that we are in a time where this power is now needed more than ever.


We focus on Ayahuasca women’s retreats and ceremonies, holding the vision that as women come together to heal, there is a ripple effect that moves through our world. We believe that the key to peace on this planet, as the Dalai Lama quotes, is in the emerging role of the women. Our retreats are run by women, for women and are beautiful empowering spaces that invoke wholeness, healing, and power in the body, mind and spirit.

With so many people drinking Ayahuasca and engaging in plant ceremonies, we have noticed that many people find integration the most difficult part of the practice itself. Which is why we have a deep focus on integration practices during retreats, as well as available counselors, coaches, and psychologists who are available for follow up therapy and connection who understand the workings and unfolding that happen when working with Ayahuasca.


Our vision is to offer authentic Ayahuasca retreats for women by women. Working alongside masterful Shipibo and indigenous Grandmother healers, and Traditional Medicine work. Medicine Weavings is a weaving between worlds and cultures, rooted in a vision of a more whole world. Creating spaces where people can reconnect with the earth as a living and breathing being and be brought into the heart of connection with one another and all of life.

Women Centered Healing

Medicine Weavings is deeply devoted and inspired to support womens healing on an individual and planetary level. For women, by women. Restoring lost feminine practices, and wisdom that naturally unfolds in a ceremonial space.

Through our evolution as human beings, women always gathered. And throughout cultures around the world, the practice of women journeying into the heart of retreat to grow, nourish, heal, let go and remember, has been a part of our history/herstory for before it was written.

We believe that ceremony needs to become a part of every day life and embedded in the new emerging world cultures. Women are the visionaries & dreamers who are birthing this new culture out of the old. Women need to make the time and take the time to feed their hearts & spirits. To educate themselves in the wisdom that was lost that they still carry in their womb & heart.

Athena is a shining light and a gentle spirit

Athena is a wonderful guide for healing and wholeness. She brings her authentic nature with all of her own healing experiences to each interaction and we are left feeling supported and nurtured on our own paths. Working with Athena, I was able to connect with a deep healing part of myself and I was able to tap into my own inner wisdom. Thank you so much Athena. I would recommend joining any retreat or healing experience where Athena is facilitating. You will be in amazing hands.

Lynn MacDonald

precious gem

I first met Athena over a year ago when I was feeling unwell. A common friend had referred me for a massage. I did not know I was in for such a treat. It turned out to be much more than I had expected. From the very beginning, she demonstrated compassion and listening skills which immediately put me at ease. She proceeded with a thorough treatment during which she sang. I was shocked, her voice and songs were so soothing. She was careful and considerate and even played in my hair, I felt nurtured, in good hands. I am so grateful for meeting Athena. Of course, I wanted to see her again. Luckily, I did and I discovered a very generous and knowledgeable woman. Since I was going to South America to pursue my search for alternative therapies, she referred me to a shaman from whom she had been learning for some time. He spoke very highly of Athena. Thanks to her support, I had an unforgettable experience in Peru.

Upon returning home, I was eager to connect again. She hosted a changing woman ceremony to which I participated. Prior to the event, she maintained harmonious correspondence with the participants. The day was well planned and filled with activities tailored to the group and appropriate to its intention. I felt very comfortable and safe in the space she had created although I did not know anyone else. By the end of the day, this inspiring group of women came together to form a tender sister hood. Her devotion to healing arts proved to be outstanding although she is humble about her extensive learning journey. On another occasion, I attended an Ecstatic dance event that she was hosting. Her positive energy and enthusiasm were contagious. Again, she was able to create a safe space in which I was able to let go and feel relaxed. Her contributions to the community are greatly appreciated and very inspiring. Athena is an incredible facilitator and truly dedicated to helping others. I can’t wait for the privilege to share space with her again. I know in my heart and deep in my soul, that she has played an important role in my recuperation and healing. I am forever grateful.

Carolyn Ranger

Athena is a shining light

Taking a retreat with Athena is an uplifting experience. She will take you on a journey into the heart of who you are, where you will find strength, courage, and wisdom. Athena is a highly intuitive woman. She cares deeply, helping to illuminate the path for those who choose to walk with her. I look forward to joining her in ceremony again soon.

Saira Monica

The wisdom within

There is a very fine and beautiful quality to Athena’s work as a medicine woman and healer. She is brave, strong and bold and touched me so much with her ability to connect with me on a very transcendent, deep level. With her I was able to finally work on and face some of my rather deep rooted issues – so much so that I was able to move on, change and step towards the light. Experiencing her working with song and touch is such a special beautiful treat and resonated with my body and soul for a long time.I found true inspiration in her work with me and would highly recommend Athena to anyone who is seeking true healing, being rooted and enlightenment.

Anne-Lotta Schubert

Healing Hands 🙂

How to begin describing Athena? She is a beautiful, kind, generous woman who seeks only to walk with healing footsteps across this earth’s journey. I have known Athena for many years and have been touched by her spirit’s powerful healing nature. There was one time I could barely move around or bend over without feeling such awful back pain and without asking me for anything, she asked if she could help me. She sang her beautiful soothing songs and used her magical hands to move some of the pain out of my back.

I became functional again that day after days of suffering. This is but one account of the many times I have thereafter seeked to receive her help, from counselling to physical ailments; she has an all round holistic approach to healing and does her best to offer you what you need with a fair exchange. Athena has helped transform my way of seeing the world for the better and has activated positive growth in many lives. I am so blessed that our paths have crossed and grateful to her in so many ways. May your paths cross as well! 🙂

Craolyn Lawl

Soul Sister

I worked with Athena in ceremony this past year, and was aware of the strength and magic she holds through her heart and voice. She walks in integrity both in this world and the spirit world. She holds a strong protective container for those under her watch in ceremony. Athena is following her heart path offering this work, and is dedicated to tradition but also to her own soul’s wisdom that has come here at this time for all of us who are called to work with her. Athena has a pure heart and this comes through her work in a beautiful way. I would recommend her to anyone searching for a loving, accepting, safe space to dive into their deep inner work.

Robyn Brehaut

Old & Wise Soul in a Young Body

I have enjoyed two retreats with Athena. The type of spiritual retreats that Athena guides you through are not for the faint of heart. If you are going to be guided you must know deeply in your heart you can trust your guide. Athena is that person for me. She is a soft and loving and yet strong and firm. She resonates Mother essence. I trust her implicitly to guide me through the experiences for the highest good of my soul. Each experience, through her guidance/presence, has deepened my connection to myself, higher self and nature. I am extremely grateful for all she has done for me. I look forward to the retreats she brings to our community. Even as I read these words, they seem inadequate to communicate how deeply she has touched me. Thank you so much Athena….

Mary Stavrou

a beautiful heart

In all she touches, Athena continues to leave one with a deep sense of groundedness, caring and creativity – a breath of fresh air, just when you need one. Her love and admiration for all of life is truly a prize.

A. Porter

Sacred & Safe

I’ve been blessed to be a part of several of Athena’s retreats. Athena has the ability to create a sacred and safe space. Each retreat I’ve been to I found tremendous healing and transformation. The facilitation and step by step process allowed me to go to new found depths. I highly recommend any retreat Athena has to offer. I also had the privilege of receiving a massage by Athena. She is skilled with her hands and has trained extensively to understand the body. Her massages are full of medicine songs making them incredibly potent. I’ve left feeling a million times lighter !


A truly gifted inspirational healer !

I have had the blessing of knowing Athena several years – and though I have been to many of her events over that time, I am struck by what incredibly strong, wonderful memories I have of ones that happened even years ago. And in one-to-one sessions, her clarity and spiritual insight is unmistakable. Athena is truly gifted healer, musician, muse, advisor, and nurturer; I feel so fortunate to know this infinitely generous and loving person. In all her deeds, she exhibits so much remarkable drive and inspiration; spending time with her is a delight one will always treasure

Ed Simon

A Natural Healer

What you are first struck by when you meet Athena, is her incandescent smile. It is genuine and comes from her heart. It is an outward reflection of her love, caring and desire to be of service to anyone in need, and to the larger project of healing and making this world a slightly better place. I have had the good fortune to be in dieta with her, and have seen first hand her dedication to the medicine and her deep love and dedication to the sometimes challenging work that this path can entail. She is a true wise-woman, who brings her own unique blend of caring, grace, humor and wit to the work of healing and personal transformation. Count yourself blessed if you ever have a chance to work with her:)

Juan Escobar

Power Woman

Athena has been instrumental to my personal healing journey. In her grounded, nurturing way, she has held sacred space, invoked spirit, gathered the women, sung to the bones, guided journeys, voiced her heart, unearthed the depths, birthed the new, and seen through-and-through. I am ever-grateful for her wise and loving offering. Highly recommended.

Carole Luz

Mother to all

Athena is a brilliant Light in this world. I am truly blessed to be held and supported on my journey by her love and wisdom. Athena is a gifted and talented healer who brings a deep sense of benevolent love to all as she facilitates one’s own inner healing. She sings like an angel, has a mega-watt smile, and knows how to laugh and forgive. Athena helped me find my voice, my integrity, and my passion. She sees people for who they really are inside, and honours one’s inner spirit and has been my teacher for many years, and for that, I am extremely grateful. If you ever feel called to sit in ceremony or receive a healing massage with her, you are in for a treat. May the Great Spirit bless all you beautiful souls. Thank you Athena for bringing all that you bring to this planet.


Authentic Magic

Athena possesses an innate power and depth of spirit. In a world flooded by ‘eager to lead’ organizers her extent and earnestness of development is both deeply comforting and inspirational. Athena has invoked several fundamental developments within me, in both ceremony and waking life. If there is ever a chance to draw from this authentic spiritual guild and medicine woman I would highly recommend you seize the opportunity.

Steven Daniluk

Getting to Know a Shining Star

I am happy to share here my experiences with Athena, both as a person and as a leader in Ceremony. I have engaged in Ceremony within community for many many years, so I know when the space and people are cared for and regarded as sacred. Working and getting to know her over the last couple years has been wonderful. Sign of the changing times where the sacred feminine and their innate gifts are emerging once again for all to learn and heal by. What the world needs are authentic, wise, and gentle leaders of ceremony, and Athena fits this bill 100%. She holds space, ceremony, and wisdom as well as any I have had the honor to sit with. Blessings and all who are graced to work with her through this journey call life.

Christina Masotti

Amazing Retreats!

I’ve been blessed to be a part of several of Athena’s retreats. Athena has the ability to create a sacred and safe space. Each retreat I’ve been to I found tremendous healing and transformation. The facilitation and step by step process allowed me to go to new found depths. I highly recommend any retreat Athena has to offer. I also had the privilege of receiving a massage by Athena. She is skilled with her hands and has trained extensively to understand the body. Her massages are full of medicine songs making them incredibly potent. I’ve left feeling a million times lighter. 5 stars for sure!!

Zoe Guzman

A Wise Woman

I have sat in ceremonies and events that Naomi Athena has hosted, facilitated or organized, many, many times now. Each time is as transformative as the last and I always walk away grateful and filled with life again. I find Naomi has a gift for intuiting the direction and creating the space needed for the people that show up. Her medicine, skill, knowledge and presence are very unique and down to earth. You will find a strong, loving and humble woman, walking this ancient path that we all are walking, and filling her medicine bag to share with those around her. I appreciate her guidance and direction in ceremony, as well as the ample room she leaves for my own wisdom and healing to arrive. I feel incredibly fortunate to have found her and to know that I can always come back to sit in ceremony with her and remember the beauty of life again.


Dedicated Spirit

I have known Athena and her family for many years now and very much admire the congruency between their ideals and the life-path they have chosen to create for themselves. I have been to many events and some ceremonies hosted by Athena and Jeremy and have always come back with a better sense of my own definition and place in the world. Athena is a healer whose kindness, dedication and reverence for Spirit and our Earth-Mother are evident at first glance. Many have been the occasions where I have felt gratitude for the gifts she shares so freely and wisely. Medicine Woman is she… dedicated to the healing and harmony of all her relations. Blessed are those who are fortunate enough to work with her.

Christian Schmiedel