Below is a list of allies who we deeply support.


Ayni is a quechua word that describes an intimate relationship with life. It translates more or less to exchange of energy. That in order for life to maintain balance there is always the sacred relationship of exchange. When you take or partake of something you must also offer and give.  With the understanding that with all things there must be a proper exchange in order to be in right relationship with life. For many westerners this translates to money. But ayni is a way of being. It means offering to a plant before you harvest, it means singing a song to the water before you drink it. But Ayni is more of a way of being, a way of thinking, a way of seeing.

It honors life as a sacred relationship. That when you take you give, and when you give be open to receive.

With this medicine work we are always reflecting how to stay and live in balance and be in the practice of Ayni.

We regularly invest in reforestation projects in replanting ayahuasca and chacruna as more and more it is being harvested without a focus on replanting.

We also regularly donate to project managers and initiatives takeing place in the shipibo community of paoyong, including school rebuilding, medicinal gardens, medicines for the local clinic and womens health.

We choose to invest in grassroots projects over larger scale ones with those we know, as we have found that there is much less administration and funds that go directly into helping project creation actualize directly.

We also regularly buy artisan handicrafts from various shipibo communities, paying fair prices and focus on buying from more rural communities who often cannot even afford going to the city to sell their artisan works.

For many shipibo families their artisenia is the only income that feeds their families.

We are also allies and supporters of the NGO Alianza Arkana, a beautiful organization that respects indigenous tradition.  A portion of each retreat in Peru goes to Alianza arkana.

You can read more about the amazing work of Alianza Arkana here.

Co-creating Healing Together

We are so grateful for all the amazing people who are offering amazing work around the world. Below is a list of allies who we deeply support. From Centres, healers, coaches, and visionary artists who are aligned with our dreaming in of a better world.

If you feel a connection with us and would like to collaborate and support one another, then please be in touch.

In a world that is so highly focused on competitive ways of being, we want to encourage cooperation and collaboration as much as possible.

Community Allies

Original Instructions
Original InstructionsSchool of Traditional Medicine & Practical Skills
Retreat Guru

A countless number of generations ago Human Beings were given original instructions by the Great Spirit for how to exist as humans in harmony with the Earth and our purpose here. Now, more than ever before, most of us have ceased to live our daily lives in a way that follows the Original Instructions. Because of this, sickness and confusion are ruling over humanity.

As you learn with us you will have the opportunity to receive hands-on training with our Original Instruction teachers as well as receive knowledge from medicine elders in person at our Original Instructions practicum weeks. These exclusive week long retreats will be hosted at various nature based locations around the world and will give our students the chance to put their theoretical knowledge to practice while having an unforgettable experience.

Integrated Man
Integrated ManNLP Practitioner & Coach Certification trainings

Integrated Man establishes the connections between healing in the spirit realm and the critical supportive work that is required around these transformative experiences. Combining a series of processes that are particularly beneficial in clearing obstructions before and grounding in the powerful learnings after working with Ayahuasca and other entheogens. In addition, this approach lends to healing the entire system as a single unit while supporting integration with the physical body and in nutrition.

Plant medicines in their ability to teach, heal and expand the human spirit is profound. However, often we find drinking these powerful medicines alone is not enough to facilitate lasting transformation..why? Integration is a critical element in medicine work to create profound shifts. Integrated Man provides the most comprehensive opportunity for retreat participants to engage in full holistic, conscious and intentional integration from start to finish, during the retreat and beyond.