Our Facilitators
All of our facilitators are highly skilled and trained in this level of work and have a deep relationship with the plants and traditional forms of Shipibo shamanism. We are deeply committed to helping support the individual journey and healing that take place in retreat through highly skilled facilitators.
Meet the Facilitators
Athena has been studying forms of traditional healing and shamanism for over 12 years. She started working with Ayahuasca in 2009, and soon after began a formal apprenticeship with the Shipibo Mahua Lineage in the Amazon of Peru. She has spent months at a time in retreat in the practice of dieta fasting from foods and water for periods of time, and learning directly from the plants. She currently runs Medicine Weavings, a woman’s focused healing initiative. She also travels regularly and internationally, holding ceremonies and retreats.
Having witnessed such incredible miracles in her own life, as well as so many others, she is passionate to share this medicine with integrity and care. Athena has been recognized by the Grandmother Shipibo Maestras she works with, and was given the cup to serve medicine by her teachers after 8 years of apprenticing. Her Teachers Include Maestra Amelia Ronin, Maestra Manuela Mahua, Maestro Gilberto Mahua and Maestro Papa Mickey.
Athena is a mother, a doula, a musician, and an herbalist in training. She carries a deep love for the earth in all she does and is a huge believer in humanity. She shares this medicine with deep respect and reverence for life, and for anyone who finds themselves in circle with her.
I have devoted my life for over 15 years to helping people create results, maximize performance and discover solutions to challenges in life and in business. My unique approach draws from a broad range of methodologies including holistic education and training, success building multiple companies and years of intensive study with plant medicines and Shipibo Shaman in Peru.
Jeremy Allan Michael Sills is a multi instrumentalist Musician with a B.A. in music & 20 years of training and study in the healing power of sound. He has explored many practices from learning traditional Tibetan throat singing with Tibetan monks to mastering the trumpet in a jazz band and hosting regular crystal bowl journeys. He has taught sound therapy in Colleges and Universities, as well as in his private practice.
After spending many years in the study of sound healing, his life and understanding of energy and sound changed completely the first time he drank ayahuasca with the Shipibo. Soon after he began his apprenticeship working with ayahuasca in the practice of traditional dieta learning from the plants and Ikaros. His teachers include Maestro Gilberto Mahua, Maestro Papa Mickey and Maestra Amelia Ronin. After a 7 year apprenticeship, intense dieting and learning from the plants, he was given the cup to serve medicine, and does so with great respect and care for the tradition and anyone who comes to sit with him.
Jeremy is a Father, a carpenter, a lover of good organic tobacco and is known for his terrible rhyming puns.
Meet the Integration Team
For over a decade, Marni has been studying and practising the teachings of various healing and wisdom traditions. The original foundations of her healing journey were laid in traditional yoga and meditation, Advaitya Vedanta (non-duality) and Tantra, and later expanded to the counselling methodologies of attitudinal healing & trans-personal psychology, as well as more shamanic practices and shadow work.
Since 2010 she has immersed herself in working with Ayahuasca, both as a participant and as a facilitator. She has supported and guided hundreds of ceremonies and individual processes over the years, including pre and post-ceremony work. But perhaps most importantly, she has walked this journey in her own life and has a long history of first-hand experience with the unique process that Ayahuasca catalyzes.
Marco Vinicio was raised in Mexico. He lived in Thailand and India for several years practising and studying Meditation & Spirituality through Yoga & Buddhism.
When he came back to the West, life brought to him the realization that part of his path to grow and better serve others would be to help people incorporate Psychology with Spirituality as a way to grow in a more wholesome and profound way.
Marco is currently finishing his Masters degree in Spiritual Counselling and has his own YouTube channel where we explores Spirituality, Psychology and things that fascinates him.